Chapter Two -- Independence

1935 - 1940

Created by Peter 14 years ago
When she had come of age and following local Chinese custom, a marriage was arranged for Beryl to a wealthy Chinese businessman in Kingston. It must have seemed like a good match and she must have been excitedly looking forward to living in the city, having a home of her own, been well-cared for with servants at her command, no more hunger or hardship, beautiful clothes and many friends. If it seemed almost too good to be true it was, unfortunately. Interestingly though wedded in a Chinese style she was hardly the traditional chinese bride, having already acquired a strongly Jamaican character; a stubbornly independent-minded, protective, proud, no-nonsense woman with ambitions. As she later told, in her new home she had hardly settled in when she became pregnant with Pearl and not long after with Phillip. She also discovered her husband was abusive, beat her and just wished that she cook and clean. She began to feel she was only a servant to her husband, a maid in her own home but at least it was _her_ home, had two beautiful kids to show and really was more well-off now than she had ever been in her life. It was the independent life perhaps her parents had wished to provide her but couldn't, they would have been happy for her. I feel sure she never told them her problems and even if she had would they have understood? And then one night her husband brought home another woman. His second wife he explained, after all he was wealthy, could afford it and all the other businessman were doing it -- why not him! But when Beryl expressed her shock and anger, his fists shut her mouth and she was beaten again. How she seethed! anger became disappointment, then resentment and finally discernment. Beryl packed her bags, grabbed her two kids and ran away. She would rather starve and live in hardship than be slave or servant and hell, she could be successful too!